Practicing Self-Love

By: Ronadette Pajanonot

If you were asked to name three things or people you love, do you include yourself?

We often forget ourselves thinking that love can always be found through others or tangible things. If this is your way, there is entirely nothing wrong with that. Just be reminded that we must also practice self-love.  Here are some gentle ways that can help you find your way to being more peaceful with yourself.


First things first, yourself. Be mindful. Once in a while, tap your shoulder and say words that you deserve. Think of words that describe you. Words to gain confidence. Words that encourage you to keep moving forward. Words that can help you to ease worries. Words to remind you that everything will be fine. Words that accept who you are.

Try having an everyday jar and put words of affirmation, Bible verses, goals, or favorite quotes and pick one every day and read it out loud. You can also write something that describes your day and put it in a jar. This can help you to be motivated and remind your self-worth and self-growth.


Decluttering and uncovering memories is a great way to remember your core. Looking for personal stuff, especially your most treasured one can help bring back your inner self. While decluttering, try to organize your things in different ways and try to replace items. This can help you feel more relaxed and comfortable.  Also, according to studies decluttering can reduce stress, help you focus better, and be more at peace. Just don’t forget Marie Kondo’s advice. As yourself, “Does it spark joy?” every time you plan to keep something.

New Hobbies

Leaving your comfort zone is a hard thing to do, but trying something new won’t harm you too. Learning new stuff with Filipino blogger can help you grow. This includes reading books to nurture your knowledge, gardening to have fresh surroundings, biking to strengthen your body, and practicing yoga to relax.

You can also try baking desserts and eating them to relieve stress. Maybe you can start volunteering and helping the community. If you’re a visual person, you can try photography to widen your perspective and so much more. 

Try to do something that you could not do when you were young. Maybe tick one item on your bucket list. You might find something that can surprise you. Just remember to do not force yourself, just do it one at a time.


One of the best pieces of advice we get is that if you’re mad at someone or something, try to write it first before saying it. Writing and reading it first can help you ease the emotion. In this way, you can assess if your emotion is valid and reasonable.

Try to journal. You can express your emotions through creative ways of writing and designing. You can look for something that fits your aesthetic or be brave to try something new. Just don’t limit yourself and be creative. This can be a new branch out of your thoughts.


Always make time for yourself to have a time-out and refresh. You can do this by going to places you’ve never been before. Maybe it’s time to tick out places on your bucket list.

You can also try searching for historical places you want to go to. Looking for places that interest you where you can learn a lot of things. The limit is your imagination. You can visit places with all the natural wonders from mountain to sea, everything you are looking for.

If walking on a seashore refreshes your mind, you can do that too. Or maybe you prefer hiking where you could be on top of the world and alone with your thoughts. Having a nature trip is a memory that can’t be replaced. You can never go wrong in treating yourself to connect with nature—wonderful serendipity.

Digital Detox

While reconnecting with nature, why don’t you also try to detach yourself from social media? Social media platforms have a big part in our well-being and can affect our daily life. Filtering what we see and read is a necessary thing we should practice.

You don’t have to force yourself to completely remove it, especially if it is part of your daily routine. You can try to minimize it from time to time. Don’t be afraid to remove unnecessary stuff from your social media. Sometimes this one can already do great things to your mental well-being. Be wise enough in using your time online. There’s still a big world outside that awaits you.

Safe Space

While reconnecting and trying out new hobbies, it is best to be in a place where you can feel safe and secure. After all, your environment plays a large role in your wellness. When you feel unsure or lost, always try to go back to your safe space. This could be your home where you are surrounded by your loved ones. It could also be your room where all your favorite things are. But it could also be a mental space or a state of mind that gives you the most peace. The important thing is that you feel comfortable and worry-free.

Looking for self-love, especially at this time, can be challenging. These are just some of the many ways you can show love for yourself. Also, be reminded that practicing self-love can come in so many more ways. The true way to find self-love is through yourself. What matters is that for every decision you make, you choose to think of your happiness without comprise.

This pandemic has made us value ourselves more. Investing in our self, especially in our health, should be one of our top priorities. Before you can look out for others, you must first learn how to look out for yourself and treat yourself better.

Published by teambq

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